Wednesday, January 28, 2009




Well, the first one is my BEAUTIFUL youngest daughter Diana on her BIRTHDAY.
The second one was taken last Carnival here where I live. I love BALLONS, especially big ones with strong colours.
The third one is a lovely BALCONY with these aerial carnations. Someone told me that they need no ground to grow.
There are so many things for this letter ... I'm going to look yours now.
Esta semana a letra é o B
A escolha é imensa. Estou curiosa de ver as dos outros participantes

Sunday, January 25, 2009


These were taken in Azores.

The first one is a dry hydrangea and the second one is the same flower but alive.
I hope you like them.
To see much more flowers take a look in here and enjoy!
A primeira é uma hortense seca e a segunda, uma que ainda resiste.
Gosto na primeira do rendilhado da flôr seca - quase filigrana - e tive pena depois de não a ter fotografado melhor.
Espero que gostem!
Se quiserem ver outras participações, dêem um pulo aqui!

Friday, January 23, 2009


The end of the day reflected in the river.
See other skies here

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


This is the first letter of ROUND 4.

For the letter A I chose ALONE.
That's exactly what we aren't. All together we enjoy participating in this weekly challenge. We visit each other and I think we are glad to be a part of this wonderful group.

And now I'm going to see the other members.

Voltámos de novo à letra A.
O jogo recomeça!!

Sunday, January 18, 2009


I think this is the flower of a cactus. I'm sure someone of you will know for sure.
There are so many flowers in the world ... and so many of us catching them.
Look in here and see for your eyes.
Acho que esta é a flôr de um cacto mas de entre os que visitam há concerteza alguém que vai saber.
Há tantas flores belíssimas por aí ... e sempre alguém disposto a fotografá-las.
Espreitem aqui e vejam vocês mesmos.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


One more sunset at the beach
Please check in here the other skies.
Mais um pôr-do-sol pleno de cores magníficas.
Vejam mais céus por todo o mundo, aqui!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Zzzzzzz .......... sleeping ZONE
This is my cat - Patudo - on his favourite place when he wants to take a nap.
That's the last letter of Round 3 and I'm sure all of us are ready to start over again. Please check in here the other Z's
E aqui está o meu Patudo num dos seus locais preferidos para fazer uma sesta! Zzzzzzzz.......
Hoje termina o terceiro "round" deste desafio.
Podem ver aqui as outras participações.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009


Y is for YELLOW!

... a YELLOW rose on a rainy day
... a bright YELLOW lemon on a tree
... a YELLOW vehicle - "eléctrico", that's it's name here in Portugal.
More Y's here!
Desta vez tudo é amarelo! e variado!
Há mais hipóteses aqui!

Sunday, January 04, 2009


To all participants of Today's Flowers I wish a happy New Year
Look in here to see more flowers.

Um Feliz Ano Novo para todos os que me visitam.
